Don’t give up on me, I’m just in a rut

You can find inspiration anywhere! Yesterday I was listening to the new Killers album and heard their song “Rut” and really feel like I got an insight into the mindset of someone with depression. Don't give up on me 'Cause I'm just in a rut I'm climbing but the walls keep stacking up Can't keep…

Why Are You Anxious?

Let’s find out your Stress Habits…

What are YOUR stress Habits? How do you react when your boss dumps another big job on your already overloaded desk? How do you react when your kid spills orange juice on your new top just before you go out? How do you react when your partner is insensitive and says hurtful? Your reactions to…

Is it Good Being You?

Is it good being you? I love asking that question when we do our Stress Teflon workshops/seminars for companies and small businesses. I love asking it because the range of responses you get is massive.  You get some people that respond with “yeah, it’s great being me”, while other people go, “Uhm, not sure. I…

How studying Lobsters changed my perception on stress

One day I was watching Friends. My daughter loves Friends. So she and I were watching an episode about Ross and Rachel and how they were made for each other, and Phoebe described them as being lobsters... According to Phoebe (she’s probably not the most reliable scientific resource that you're going to get), she had…

Are you stressing your kid? I hope so…

Are you stressing your kid? I really hope so! Stress breeds resilience, pride, tenacity and self-belief. All great attributes to have in a child. So, why do we shelter them from stress so much? Why do we wrap them is cotton wool and not let them play outside. Why do we do their assignments for…

Hey perfectionist! Your perfection is causing you toxic stress!

“So, who are the perfectionists in the room?” I asked this question to a group of data analysts and accountants at a Stress Teflon workshop we did with a multinational dairy company recently. Two-thirds of the hands shot up towards the sky. In the world of data analytics, attention to detail is a great attribute…

Does TRUE “altruism” really exist?

What have you done for yourself lately? How do you cope with the stress of modern life? Have you: 1. Taken a few hours to sit back, put your feet up and dive into that new book you’ve been looking forward to reading? 2. Have you had a massage and been taken away from the…

How Stress Affects Your Body

Hello, My name’s Luke and I’m an addict

I don’t have a drug habit. I like a beer or two, but I’m not an alcoholic. I have the occasional punt, but I don’t have an issue with gambling. Pepsi-Max, surfing, chocolate, golf and football all feed my addiction. I’m addicted to the promise of something good happening and the chemical that controls that…


It’s great being you when stress doesn’t stick

Do you struggle with stress? Let’s be honest, that’s most of us. Maybe you’ve even read articles on how to relieve your stress. But in STRESS TEFLON, Luke Mathers and Mick Zeljko explain that eliminating your stress is not the answer. Instead, you can utilise stress to get more out of life, becoming a better version of yourself.


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Why we do what we do and how to change.

Ever thought, “why the hell do I do that”?
We all have habits that no longer help and that we’d like to change. This book looks at habits through the lens of curiosity, not scarcity. Take the stress of of change by getting CURIOUS